This began as an Estes
GBU Paveway Kit. It's the "bunker buster" made famous in the recent
conflict in Iraq. We're not particularly fond of the current war or any
war for that matter and as common sense and NAR
code item number 8 states we never launch our rockets at targets, into
clouds or near airplanes. Call us idealistic or maybe we've been reading
too much Woodstock retrospective stuff but we had a different idea for its
message, finish and ornamentation... We turned it over to our "special
detail deaprtment" for finishing. Beginning with the paint scheme of
a VW Van from the 60s, Elana then
applied various groovy stickers. It was then clear coated twice.

Peace Bomb's maiden flight 9/12/04, 07:00AM.
B64 Engine. From ignition to recovery absolutely perfect.