Behold...the mighty Saturn V
What can be said about the Saturn V? It boosted man to
the moon and it's faster than our Honda Civic. Since the real thing is 363
feet tall, which is at least 3 feet taller than the ceiling of our garage,
we opted for Dr. Zooch's "ant scale" version. It's about 18"
tall, highly detailed, and capable of accelerating to 1144 feet per second
on a C class engine. The kit was designed by Wes
Oleszewski. Wes is an accomplished aeronautical expert, commercial pilot,
author, illustrator, graphic designer, etc. I guess on his way out to the
mailbox in the morning, he designs semi scale, attractively priced, fun
to build kits of rockets that many of us fondly recall from our youth. Seriously,
if you think I'm a piece of work head
on over to Wes' site.

The Dr. Zooch Saturn V was launched into the planet andy
history books for the first time on July 3, 2005. In the still frame to
the right, Prof. de Campo oversees launch complex security and operations
as planet andy ensures that the electrical systems are ready for go. The
Professor's keen observational skills and covert security tactics were put
to the test when Andy had to run to the Gulf-Mart for new AA batteries.
To his credit, the Saturn V escaped being trampled by any woodland creatures
and made 3 great flights.