Healthy ResourcesTM helps you understand and manage your chronic diseases and conditions. Providing information, community, services, and products to enable you to manage your health. Sleep well despite sleep disorders and enjoy being awake. Courage and Information: for managing COPD
Healthy ResourcesTM For A Better LifeTM MissionEDITORIAL: The Crisis in Chronic Care. Major changes in chronic care are urgently needed--changes that could save lives, improve the quality of life, and save money. Our point of departure is melding medical science with a new model to meet the needs of people with chronic diseases, their families, and their communities. |
HealthyResources is dedicated to empowering people with chronic conditions including COPD and sleep apnea. Patients collaborate with health care professionals to provide books, information, community, services, and products to help you (and your family) to manage your health. |
Mission Statement
You can make a difference in your own health care. You can achieve a partnership of patient, physician, health care professionals, family, and community. Healthy Resources provides authoritative information, useful products, and helpful services to support your effort to be healthy. Our publications are written by highly qualified health care experts or by patients like you whose hard-won experience qualifies them as guides and mentors. Health Resources Community Forums for COPD, Sleep Apnea will open soon. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease includes emphysema, asthmatic bronchitis, and chronic bronchitis. HealthyResources COPD presents COPD TODAY, an online magazine, and Courage and Information, a book written by a patient and two clinicians for people with COPD, their families, and their doctors. Phantom Sleep Resources TM covers snoring and sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Quiz, FAQ, online magazines. Phantom of the Night Written by a sleep disorders expert and a patient, this sleep apnea handbook has been used by thousands of people with sleep apnea and snoring to work with their physicians to obtain effective relief....enough information to be used by physicians and other health care professionals. |
Contact informationNew Technology Publishing, Inc.53 N Central St Peabody MA 01960-1743 USA |
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Our publications (online, email, print, or any other communications or phone contacts) do not provide medical advice or a professional service. No one including the publisher, editors, editorial advisors, or the authors of any material in this site is engaged in providing any medical or professional advice or services through the publication, distribution or sale of articles, books, materials, tests or quizzes, on this site or in communications by phone, email, or any other means. Persons with suspected or diagnosed sleep apnea syndrome or any sleep disorder or other condition including COPD discussed in this site should consult with a physician and other qualified professionals for advice concerning their own treatment.