1/54th Scale
WANTED: 1/54th scale astronauts. Plastic
molded people need not apply.
Standing over 2 feet tall, this is a "clone"
of an out of production kit of the Titan slipped to us by er..um Pimp Daddy Rocketry...Check em'
out they got some mind blowing memory jogging clones. This model flies on
two 18mm engines which need to fire precisely at the same time.
Project Gemini was the second spaceflight program
in which the United States of America sent humans into space, between Projects
Mercury and Apollo, during the years 1963-1966. Its objective was to develop
techniques for advanced space travel, notably those necessary for Apollo,
whose objective was to land men on the Moon. Gemini missions involved extravehicular
activity and orbital maneuvers including rendezvous and docking.
The Gemini Program was conceived after it became evident
to NASA officials that an intermediate step was required between the projects
Mercury and Apollo. The
major objectives assigned to Gemini were: To subject two men and supporting
equipment to long-duration flights, a requirement for projected later trips
to the moon or deeper space; To effect rendezvous and docking with other
orbiting vehicles, and to maneuver the docked vehicles in space, using the
propulsion system of the target vehicle for such maneuvers; To perfect methods
of reentry and landing the spacecraft at a pre-selected land-landing point;To
gain additional information concerning the effects of weightlessness on
crew members and to record the physiological reactions of crew members during
long duration flights.

FIRST FLIGHT, 2 x A83 Motors 7:15AM 09/02/05

AN OUTSTANDING FLIGHT, 2 x B6-4 motors 4:45PM 09/05/05