HealthyResources is dedicated to empowering people with sleep disorders including sleep apnea. Patients collaborate with health care professionals to provide books, information, community, services, and products to help you (and your family) to manage your health.
Healthy Resources for sleep TMHealthyResources is dedicated to empowering people with sleep disorders including sleep apnea. Patients collaborate with health care professionals to provide books, information, community, services, and products to help you (and your family) to manage your health. EDITORIAL: The Crisis in Chronic Care. Major changes in chronic care are urgently needed--changes that could save lives, improve the quality of life, and save money. Our point of departure is melding medical science with a new model to meet the needs of people with chronic diseases, their families, and their communities. |
HEALTHY RESOURCES HealthyResources Home | Books | COPD | Sleep | Phantom Sleep Apnea | About HealthyResources | EDITORIAL: The Crisis in Chronic Care | Privacy Policy | New Technology Publishing |
Sleep | Phantom Sleep Apnea | Phantom of the Night: Apnea Book | Quiz | Phantom Sleep Tonight (Journal, SleepWell) | FAQPhantom Sleep Resources TMWe need to sleep well to enjoy being awake, thus we can live better if we overcome sleep disorders. Sleep apnea can cause disease and suffering, destroy quality of life, and even shorten life unless this phantom is recognized and treated. You can overcome sleep apnea, snoring and other sleep problems.
Phantom of the Night---Written
by a sleep disorders expert and a patient, this sleep apnea handbook
has been used by thousands of people with sleep apnea and snoring
to work with their physicians to obtain effective relief....enough
information to be used by physicians and other health care professionals.
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